Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Halo 3 Review

The year is 2552; an alien civilization known as the Covenant continues to plague humanity by firing ringlike weapons around the galaxy known as Halos. Spartan-117-aslo known as Master Chief found one of these worlds and destroyed it. When trouble brewed at a second Halo world, an all-out civil war erupted between the Covenant and humanity. The Covenant then unleashed their most powerful weapon: the Flood. The Covenant then discovered the location of Earth, and intends to use the Halo network to destroy the galaxy. With the aide of the Elites, Master Chief must stop the Covenant from destroying Earth and the rest of the galaxy.

To see the rest of the article, follow this link: http://www.examiner.com/game-design-in-newark/halo-3-the-adventure-continues

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